
Friday, February 14, 2014

Interview and DIY over at How.Do

In the interest of creating something special and handmade for your loved one this Valentines Day, How.Do approached me to contribute one of my DIY projects for their app. You can check out their interview with me over on the How.Do blog, where you can also find a link to my DIY project for creating a paper book cover (Japanese style). It's slightly different from the version that you can see here on the blog, because the images are accompanied by a voice telling you what to do. I was really nervous to record my voice. Like everyone I've met, ever, I hate hearing my voice recorded. But I think it came out okay!

Let me know if you have a listen, and if you think hearing a DIY like this is more helpful than just reading words with pictures. I really enjoyed the process and I think it's a great way to share a DIY project - you can sign up for the How.Do app and find many more DIYs, recipes and other tutorials as well (it's free!)


*This is not an affiliate post, I just think this app is great fun!

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