
Friday, May 18, 2012

Found #12 Decor From My Childhood

I thought it would be fun this week to reminisce about the decor and vibe from my house when I was little! It's amazing how many items I could find that my mom and dad owned in the eighties! I wonder if they still have all of this? My dad' garage is like a treasure trove, I bet there's some in there!

On a side note. I'm not sure whether you guys really love pretty new dresses and shoes etc being featured in found, but I am finding it SO much more inspiring to give myself a theme and run with it. And I'm kind of feeling the socially conscious buy local/vintage theme right now (always!) so I hope you don't mind. I don't get a lot of internet browsing time, so looking at clothes for the sake of finding something cute to show was wearing me out (and tempting my wallet)

With no further ado, welcome to the (mostly kitchen) decor of my childhood!

via: charmings

via: junksale

via: Gazaboo

via: Lara111

I hope you enjoyed my tour down memory lane!


  1. My mum had the exact same yellow plastic measuring cups. Must be an Australian thing.

    1. That's funny... As I was looking through items curating this list, I realised just how much Tupperware my mum had! She actually still uses hers up to this day :)

  2. My mum used to make those macrame owls.

    I can see pictures of pretty dresses anywhere; a seemingly random selection of unusual items holds a lot more interest for me. :)

    1. Thanks Sarah, that's good to hear :) The one I showed isn't exactly the same as my mum's one, but it definitely bears similarity... I'm pretty sure she made hers too! She probably has it in storage somewhere...

