
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Photo A Day #170 Coney Island Baby

I love this image from Coney Island, when we visited, it was after the summer season, and everything was closed for fall. We wandered about the boardwalk, inspecting all of the great signage and wishing the rides were open (actually, that would have been just me). I think this picture sums up the atmosphere well. I really do enjoy abandoned places, even if it's a temporary abandonment. It lets you soak up the 'place' without the distraction of crowds of people.

I've been thinking for a while now, that my photo a day series is becoming a little intense to produce. I LOVE sharing a picture every day with you. But with full-time work plus a commute and other commitments and hobbies outside of blogging, I'm finding it difficult to keep up with the photo-a-day AND other posts. I would like to be able to offer some more content in the way of tips/advice, tutorials/DIYs, as well as giveaways and other kinds of posts. So I've reached a compromise with myself. One post per day. It might be a photo of the day. It might be a photoshop tutorial or blogging tips. You can trust that my posts will always be considered and contain lots of great images. But a girl's gotta sleep sometime. And I don't want to burden my readers with 2-3 posts a day, it's way too much for you as well.

I hope you understand! Feel free to tell me I'm crazy in the comments ;) But for now, one-post-a-day rule has been put in place. Like Coney Island, I'm having a rest!


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